Team PRPS is a worldwide initiative that unifies our PURPOSE triathlon, cycling and running communities into one. Identified by its bold and daring design patterns, the distinctive-looking kits of Team PRPS are designed to be immediately recognizable at any race or event. Team PRPS kits will launch via a crowdfunding campaign, making the kits an exclusive series for loyal Purpose fans.
Introducing Team PRPS. A long, laborious journey that, due to the current situation took over a year to materialize.
Like all other businesses, the pandemic affected our bottom line. Even more so for a bootstrapping startup like us. We’ve not that has not taken any external investment apart from funds received at the seed stage. Such is the nature of this business, which is investment heavy, and funds are required for inventory up-front.
Why Team PRPS?
If you’ve been along with us on our journey, you’ll know that the PURPOSE brand has become synonymous with the term Team Purpose. It’s the first few results on Google and Instagram. So naturally, any name chosen to lead this initiative must springboard off the term Team Purpose. Team Purpose has become synonymous with our brand. More than that, it has become our community – Made of Us.
Whether you’re already a proud owner or not, it is inescapable that in sports, we share the same ambition, resolve and goals. In this light, we are all Team Purpose.
PRPS is the short form of Purpose. A modern acronym of it. Thus, PRPS is representative of a subset – a group within the community. Team PRPS is the voice of the community that will champion and take PURPOSE even further forward. TeamPRPS term makes the Team Purpose term more unique in the search space. Hence, Team PRPS was born.
Besides championing PURPOSE’s vision to grow worldwide, Team PRPS will be the innovations playground where we test new technology in fabric and materials. Being a member of Team PRPS means you’re going to be wearing the most advanced technical fabric and materials for your triathlon, cycling, or running. Developed for you, in this kind of heat.
Why the design?
First, I wanted a design that is going to be iconic and long-lasting. An instantly recognisable style that is unique, and distinguishable. After many options, the idea fell back to a pattern used in one of the first triathlon suits we made – the Wave design of the Purpose Flow Pro Performance tri suit.
The iconic Flow Wave was a pattern ahead of its time four years ago; and although it received polarising reviews, it was unmissable. It became an imprint that everyone knows as PURPOSE. Now, it’s Team PRPS.

Why Crowdfund?
The pandemic has impacted every business. The hardest ones hit are the small and young brands. Unfortunately, PURPOSE is one of those. Strapped for cash flow, we’ve had to significantly scale back inventory growth. But without inventory, how do we grow the business and the brand?
Unlike the traditional crowdfunding model, where the project isn’t produced if it misses the funding target, Team PRPS kits will continue to be made regardless of the amount raised. The goal is to raise enough money to fund the project at the start, even if it covers only a part of the total funds needed.
Crowdfunding will help me focus on building PURPOSE as a business again. It will lift the pressures that come with funding new inventories.
By supporting this, you will be rewarded with a Team PRPS kit for your training, racing, or everyday wear. Support the project at the end of this article.
A crowdfunding route is new to me…. and scary. Especially since it’s a significant, marquee product like Team PRPS. However, like the fear faced when starting PURPOSE, I think not going ahead with the Team PRPS idea will be a disservice – to the brand and even more, to you, supporters, and patrons.
The aim of Team PRPS is to galvanise the community to display that we of the same belief can get together to build a worldwide brand from Southeast Asia. Having been part of PURPOSE’s growth, together we play a role in its future. Team PRPS, embody this vision. PURPOSE has come far because of you.
I hope you’ll support this project. Become Team PRPS!
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