This blog is up again, after being taken down 2 months ago. The reason why I decided to take it down was that it was getting a bit too much to update the content of my thoughts and journey on multiple platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and here. I felt that they needed to be everywhere to be valuable.
That’s what every consultant will tell you. So I’m here writing, they’re wrong. Or at least, not correct.
I learnt now that my content only needed to be in where it is most valuable. In the two months since taking the original Opinionist blog down, I’ve learnt that here is where my content is best.
I’ve learnt too, which we often do through reflections, of the many milestones that have happened in the past 6 months since my last update. In a bittersweet way, I’ve learnt that I’ve neglected to post these down into a long-form format, focusing instead on the short snippets that most of us do – on social media.
In this journey, both short and long-form are equally important. They balance out some things that I want to share less, together with others that I (some times) want to share more.
Uploading all the past contents of this blog last night gave me time to reflect on the major parts of my journey. On how far I’ve come on my own personal growth, as well as that of Purpose. With my last update being November of 2018 after the Langkawi Report; what’s been happening?
Amazing. If there’s one word to describe the things that have happened, that word would be it. We can start with this 2018 recap video.
Because next year we have Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines (and maybe Thailand) to get to.
25 November 2018 – The Purpose Report, Ironman Malaysia
Following that, the signing of the partnership with Tri-Factor Asian Championship Series allowed Purpose to expand and stay on the path to launch in Vietnam and Indonesia. However, although with much expectations there are still issues to be solved. Primarily with hiring the right personnel to run the market.
Making thing happen
The feelings from Langkawi felt like a very distant memory when it is actually only 8 months ago. From outside looking in, time looks short yet it’s an eternity for me. So many things done and milestones passed that I lost track of the things I should be grateful for as I focused on the checklist of items that more needs to be done.
I’m grateful now of the journey I’ve come in the past 8 months.
Two weeks ago, Purpose launched the 2019 | 2020 series collection. This was a result of a heady 3 months of design and many iterations in the process. The 10 in the series was culled down from the hundreds that were thrown out. All great designs and colours with the final theme – Lights of Earth, being the one chosen.
The final results are astounding. One more milestone to be grateful for in 2019.
Both launches in Malaysia and Singapore was a tremendous success. While yes, it may be seen as small in the number of attendees; twenty-something in Malaysia and fifty in Singapore, these are big to me.
Who knew a very young, fledgeling sportswear brand out of Singapore can make such an impact on the two countries we were in. The support from everyone who uses and believes in the brand and its products have been heartwarming to state the very least.
While it may not be clearly seen by the naked eye, not to an outsider looking in, or even not when compared to more established sportswear brands, the warmth received from supporters really have been overwhelming. I’m really thankful for this.
Disbelieving the disbelievers
The title says it. If I had believed what I heard, I would not be here writing my thoughts and reflections on the journey so far. The detractors have been many that if I had taken what they say at face value, there would be no
At both launches, I shared about my goal to make Purpose into a global triathlon and cycling wear brand from Southeast Asia. I’ve only made a drop in this ocean but I’m firmly steadfast on holding on to this belief and vision.
I know I’ll get there. The feeling is as strong today, maybe even stronger, than when I first started. Since the two years when we launched, I’ve slowly met the disbelievers who have since become converted while those who believed have grown even more fond of the brand.
Thank you.
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